Product Description
1 Hour Fire Proved Product
1 tray, 1 Adjustable Shelf
Digital Lock
Digital type ensures a high level of security through a feature that allows the user to change the combination of numbers. And an automatic lock system for the double security. It was also designed with user-friendly angles and color of buttons which increase its functionality.
Choice of lock system : Digital, Dial Combination, Fingerprint, and
Two Key type
1 Hour / 90 minute fire resistant capacity (KS, JIS, SP)
Improved performance through thick fire resistance wall
A separate drawer installed at the bottom in the main body
A sufficient number of shelves installed
Specially designed for the protection of your computer and film media such as diskettes, data cartridges, magnetic tapes, optical disks, microfiche ,tape cassettes and other media records, containing irreplaceable data against fire, burglary and humidity. It has been developed on the principle of inner and outer protection units with two door entry systems.
The outer unit provides the initial protection against fire, heat and percussion with the inner unit ensuring security against humidity, water, steam and magnetic fields.