Top inspirational author
Serious authors don’t wait to be inspired. Serious authors roll up their sleeves and get down to the business of writing, just as they would get themselves to work at any 9-to-5 job.  And we’re reminded to death of Thomas Edison’s overquoted words about invention demanding 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration, perhaps not realizing that without that primal 1 percent jolt from the gods, Edison might not have been driven to sweat out the hard work or  to cope with a zillion things going wrong.

Reasons Inspiration Matters to Authors
Inspiration can be found virtually everywhere in books, in music, in the natural world, in meditation, in faith, in creative play. This you already know. But it’s also important to understand why seeking inspiration from these sources is so important to an author.

1. Inspiration transforms from creative readers to creative writers.
You’re reading a book by one of your favorite authors, and all of a sudden the top of your head and your fingertips start to tingle; you grab a pen and begin scribbling away. What authors inspire you to start writing? Turn to them during dry spells, and as soon as their words begin rousing your own word hoard to life, reach for pen and paper. Sometimes even typing out a passage verbatim can get the ball rolling.

2. Inspiration heightens senses. 
It matters a lot that, as writers, our sensory receptors be fine-tuned. Inspiration helps to do that. Consider music: Few earthly sensations stir the soul like a beautiful song or symphony. To paraphrase a famous poem by Emily Dickinson (“This World is not Conclusion”), nothing is more invisible than music, yet nothing more positive than sound.
It’s tough to generalize about the best ways to use music for inspiration. The music can’t call too much attention to itself, music of the elevator variety. 

3. Inspiration develops understanding of human nature.
To be inspired by people is to be continually rewarded with story ideas. People are walking, talking stories. Everyone will encounter  the potential for contributing to the understanding of human nature. This is why you should always carry a notebook; those little jolts of inspiration also are very fleeting. 

4. Inspiration improves the capacity for appreciating nature.
The great outdoors is inspiration in waiting. Trees, mountains, butterflies, hawks circling high overhead, sunrises and sunsets, wind rustling the leaves at night or howling across vast open spaces all have the capacity to heighten the awareness and fill us with the desire to write. But we must first allow ourselves to be inspired by nature.

5. Inspiration helps to achieve mental discipline.
Think of meditation as a kind of internal pilgrimage. Not just for New Age spiritualists, meditation can both be a practical and an emotionally fulfilling means of rediscovering the deepest needs of replenishing the psychic energy of regaining perspective on short and long term goals. In this age of distractions, it isn’t always easy to get into a meditative state, but a dose of inspiration can serve as a catalyst. Anticipation is the key, anticipating the peacefulness as well as the heightened mental discipline a meditative state can provide. How many times have you given up on a piece of writing because you lacked the patience to work out the necessary elements? Meditation enables us to draw from our own inner resources in order to be more productive writers.

Follow these steps: First, find a quiet and comfortable place. Second, decide upon a specific purpose for your meditation nothing too demanding. For example, if you’re stalled on a short story, you might put yourself in the mind of your protagonist; observe the world through her eyes. What do you see and feel? Be patient; breathe deeply and open your mind to the voices within. Finally, resolve to return to your writing task, concentrating only on tackling that one problem.

6. Inspiration intensifies spiritual connection to a craft.
This is the way of all artists. Creative inspiration shares much in common with divine inspiration; just think of the many poets, George Herbert, John Donne, William Blake who drew from their faith to create their art. It was Blake, after all, who saw “a world in a grain of sand,” “eternity in an hour.” 
And faith can infuse the work with authenticity that speaks powerfully to readers.

7. Inspiration reinforces the commitment to writing. 
Writing, like faith, also generates its own inspiration. Why is that? Well, a big part of what it means to be human is to discover things, not just through methodical inquiry, but through creative play spontaneous free associating or painting. 
Inspiration matters because it traverse the full spectrum of human experience. An important part of what it means to be a writer is to become so turned on to the business of being alive, to be so completely inspired by life, that you will harvest ideas for writing everywhere from books, from people, from music and other art forms, from the natural world, and most of all from your own inner resources. 

Reasons why inspirational books are so important to readers
  • It expose people to new Things
  • Self Improvement
  • It Improves understanding
  • Preparation to action
  • You gain experience from other people
  • Tools of Communicating
  • It Connects the brain
  • Boost imagination and creativity
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