Andrakk Solar panel

A Solar Panel is a device that converts light energy from the Sun to electrical energy. Solar Panels consist of Polyvoltaic Cells (a.k.a. PV cells or solar cells) that absorbs energy from Sun rays and convert it to DC current which can then be further processed by a power inverter to deliver power to appliances in a home or business. 

With Andrakk Solar Panel you don’t need to depend on electric power supply or electric generator set to get maximum comfort at your home or office, using Andrakk Solar panel, you can get 100% adequate power to recharge your fan so as to get maximum satisfaction.

Andrakk solar panel features power tolerance  (i.e. are you getting 250W or 250W +/-10%?).

Andrakk solar panel has a good voltage rating and coefficient of temperature; Andrakk solar panel is rated to 100V DC minimum for safety. A good temperature coefficient rating can indicate a solar panel that performs slightly better in higher temperatures.

For home and office applications you can choose from Andrakk Polycrystalline Solar Panels and the Monocrystalline Solar Panels. 

Monocrystalline solar panels are usually black and more appealing to the eye and have better efficiency. Polycrystalline Solar Panels are usually blue and handle temperature fluctuations better.

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